Student Health Advisory Council
SHAC Announcements and Updates
SHAC Governance, Bylaws & Wellness Plans
SHAC Resources
In order to reflect community values and comply with state and local guidelines, the mission of the
SMISD SHAC is to ensure we educate and provide resources to students, staff and the community in
health, nutrition and wellness.
All SMISD stakeholders promote health and wellness in our community to reach their full personal and
health potential.
What is the School Health Advisory Council?
The School Health Advisory Council or SHAC is the committee to assist the district in ensuring that local community values are reflected in the district's health education instruction.
The majority of the SHAC must consist of parents of students enrolled. SHAC may also include:
- classroom teachers
- school counselors
- administrators
- health care professionals licensed or certified to practice in enforcement
The SHAC is required to meet at least four times a year.
What does the SHAC do?
The SHAC is responsible for making recommendations on a wide variety of issues regarding student health in the district.
- appropriate procedures to prevent physical and mental health concerns, including:
- obesity
- Type 2 diabetes
- suicide
- strategies for integrating health components
- collaboration between the school district and community organizations or agencies
- strategies to increase parental awareness regarding student behaviors
The SHAC addresses all factors of the District's Coordinated School Health Program (CSHP) including:
- Family and community involvement
- Nutrition services
- Physical education
- Health education
- Counseling, psychological & social services
- Health services