Welcome to the Santa Maria ISD Purchasing Department
The Santa Maria ISD Purchasing Department's main focus is to facilitate the acquisition of goods and services in compliance with Federal, State-laws, Board Policies and Purchasing Procedures to meet the educational needs of our students.It is the goal of the Purchasing Department to assist you in making your purchases and receiving your goods as efficiently and expeditiously as possible.
Vendors wishing to do business with SMISD must submit a completed Vendor Application Packet. This packet is located in the Information for Vendors section.
The Purchasing Department working hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday.
NOTE: Summer hours may be adjusted annually.
Contact Information
Feel free to contact the following Purchasing Department Staff to assist you in your purchasing needs:
Thank You,
11119 Military Rd. (Physical Address)
Santa Maria, Texas 78592
Fax: 956-565-0598
Bids and Proposals
SMISD Depository Bid Notice
SMISD Concession Stand
Current Bids
Request for Proposals – RFP # -1105 Request for proposals for Various Roof Repairs
Public Notice:
RFP# 1105 Roof Project Santa Maria ISD
Request for Qualification - RFQ - #2021 Athletic facilities and renovations of existing structures
Item: for Project Management Services for: Construction/Renovation of existing structures
Download RFQ:
RFQ # 2021 Athletic facilities and renovations of existing structures
CLOSING DATE: Wednesday, May 19, 2021 @ 3:00 PM
Added Items:
Attachment # 1: Word Document on WELDING EQUIPMENT
RFQ TITLE: Request for Proposal (RFP# 18-0801)
Voluntary Products:
Request for Proposal (RFP# 18-0801)
RFP # 18-0801 Voluntary Products Addendum # 1 Issued: August 30, 2018
Added Items:
Attachment # 1: Excel Census 2018 Information
Attachment # 2: Word Document on Santa Maria Voluntary Products Benefits Information
RFQ TITLE: Request for Proposal (RFP# 18-0801)
Voluntary Products:
Request for Proposal (RFP# 18-0801)
RFQ TITLE: Workshop Facility, Parking Lot(s), Drainage Improvements,
Canopies, and Sidewalks
RFQ for Design Build
Request for Qualification - RFQ - #HS-0217
Item: for Project Management Services for Construction of New High School
Request Notice
RFQ - HS-0217
Proposal No.
2014-2015 Audit Services
Download Notice:
Request Notice - AS-0502
Request for Qualifications - RFQ - AS- 0502
Item: 2014-2015 Audit Services
RFQ - AS-0502
Background Check:
Background Questions Auditor
Proposal No.
SMISD 5th Grade Building Construction Bids
Opening Date: Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Opening Date: Friday, April 17, 2015
Download Notice: #TGE5-0315 Addendum 1
Download Notice: #TGE5-0315
Request for Qualifications - RFQ - CM5-0315
Item: For Construction Manager
Request Notice
RFQ - CM5-0315
For additional information please contact Fulcrum Consulting Services at 956-797-3411
Proposal No.
Santa Maria High School Re-Roofing Project Construction Bids
Opening Date: Monday, March 7th, 2016
Request for Qualifications - RFQ - CM-0115
Item: For Construction Manager
Request Notice - CM-0115 Addendum 1
RFQ - CM-0115 Addendum 1
Request Notice
RFQ - CM-0115
Request for Proposal - RFP-ARS-0115
Request for Proposal - RFP-SI-05-14
Item: Student Insurance for FY 2014-2015
Request for Qualifications - RFQ-AS-12-13
Item: Financial Audit Services (Prior two (2) years)
Request Notice
RFQ - AS-12-13
W-9 Form Blank
Request For Qualifications - RFQ-AS-0414
Item: External Auditor
Request Notice
RFQ - AS-0414
Request for Proposals - RFP-0813-SI
Item: Student Insurance
Request Notice
Purchasing Cooperatives
The following are purchasing cooperatives that the District has been sanctioned to participate in by our Board of Trustees:
Child Nutrition Program - South Texas Cooperative
Region One Purchasing Cooperative
Region One Library Purchasing Cooperative
Department of Information Resources (DIR):
Purchasing Association of Cooperative Entities (PACE):
Texas Procurement & Support Services (TPASS) / formally TBPC:
Texas Cooperative Purchasing Network (TCPN):
The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS):
Information for Vendors
The Purchasing Department is committed to maintaining an open and equitable opportunity to all interested vendors. Santa Maria ISD will seek to competitively procure goods and services whenever possible or as required by policies or statutes. Vendors awarded contracts by Santa Maria ISD are placed on the approved vendor list maintained by the Purchasing Department.
Requests to add new vendors shall be accompanied with a Vendor Application Packet (Located at end of page). The packet shall include the following. Other documents may be required based on the services to be performed by the vendor.
- Information form
- Felony Conviction Notice
- Conflict of Interest Questionnaire (CIQ)
- W-9 form
- Certification of Criminal History Record Information
Other documents may include a Criminal History check and fingerprinting if the vendor will work directly with students, and/or a Certificate of Insurance if the vendor will perform services on district property. The Certificate of Insurance shall include the minimum level of insurance in the areas of auto liability, general liability, and workers compensation.
The W-9 Form is essential to add the business or contractor to the vendor database. The name of the vendor, as stated on the W-9 Form, shall be entered on the vendor database. Payments will not be made to vendors without a W-9 Form on file.
As a matter of law, all existing and new vendors shall be required to complete and file a CIQ. The governing body (School Board) and the Superintendent shall complete and file Local Government Officer Conflicts Disclosure Statement (CIS) with the Business Office.
The Felony Conviction Notice shall be collected from all vendors that enter into a contract with the District. The Texas Education Code, Section 44.034(a) states that a person or business entity that enters into a contract with a school district must give advance notice to the district if the person or an owner or operator of the business entity has been convicted of a felony. The notice must include a general description of the conduct resulting in the conviction of the felony. Furthermore, Section 44.034(b) states that a school district may terminate a contract with a person or business entity if the District determines that the person or business entity failed to give notice as required by Subsection (a) or misrepresented the conduct resulting in the conviction. The District must compensate the person or business entity for services performed before the termination of the contract. Lastly, Section 44.034 (c) states that this section does not apply to a publicly held corporation.
In addition to the felony conviction verification, the District shall obtain a criminal history background check and/or fingerprinting verification for all vendors that will work directly with students.
The District participates in several cooperative purchasing programs. A list of these programs is available from the Purchasing Department. Priority should be given to these vendors since the goods and/or services have been subjected to the rigor of a competitive bid process.
The Purchasing Department working hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday.
Contact Information
Feel free to contact the Purchasing Department to assist you in your purchasing needs:
Main Number 956-565-6308
Fax Number 956-565-0598