House Bill (HB 3) 3, a sweeping and historic school finance bill was passed by the 86th Texas Legislature in 2019 and signed by Governor Greg Abbott. The bill provides more money for Texas classrooms, increases teacher compensation, reduces recapture, and cuts local property taxes for Texas taxpayers. HB 3 is one of the most transformative Texas education bills in recent history. The bill is the result of months of work beginning with the Texas Commission on Public School Finance and culminating in bipartisan work between the members of the Texas House and Senate.
Texas Education Agency (TEA) House Bill 3 Introduction and Information Link
Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) Information Link
Teacher Incentive Allotment Applications and Directions Link
Teacher Incentive Allotment Presentation to Educators
August 17 & August 18, 2021
Presentation PDF
Presentation PDF
Teacher Incentive Allotment Presentation to the Board of Trustees