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Workers’ Compensation is regulated by the Risk Management Team of the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) –

For a workers’ compensation claim, please follow the below guidelines:
For employees of Santa Maria Independent School District full and part-time only


1) Visit with the District Nurse for an incident report for a minor injury

2) If you have a minor injury and do not want to visit a doctor, a First Report of Injury (FROI) will be taken over the phone with HR or in person.

3) If you have a minor injury and want to visit a WC doctor, the FROI along with other documents will be issued to you.

4) If it is a major injury and you are escorted in an ambulance, the WC paperwork will be sent to the hospital or emergency care center.


Your emergency contact must be current with HR for immediate family notifications.


Contact Information:

Human Resources – Elizabeth A. Stenhouse or
956-565-6308 x 1006

District Nurse’s Office - Katherine Gonzalez, RN
956-565-6308 x 2009